Mother Nature necklace

  • emerald
  • Gemstone Necklaces
  • gold
  • green
  • pearls
  • prehnite
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Like nature itself, this necklace is a symphony of greens from emerald and prehnite beads. Bronze freshwater pearls add interest as does the centerpiece gold-filled branch component. A gold-filled toggle clasp fastens this 18 inch necklace.

The Persians believed emeralds gave security and peace of mind to the wearer while the ancient Egyptians regarded emeralds as a symbol of life and fertility.

Prehnite has been used by Shamanistic religions in South Africa for thousands of years, but was only described to Western scholars in the 1780s.

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Like nature itself, this necklace is a symphony of greens from emerald and prehnite beads. Bronze freshwater pearls add interest as does the centerpiece gold-filled branch component. A gold-filled toggle clasp fastens this 18 inch necklace.

The Persians believed emeralds gave security and peace of mind to the wearer while the ancient Egyptians regarded emeralds as a symbol of life and fertility.

Prehnite has been used by Shamanistic religions in South Africa for thousands of years, but was only described to Western scholars in the 1780s.

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